Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Professional Branding - What is it?

Everyone has a professional brand. What's yours?

Quick thinking - what comes to mind with these brands: Nike, Oprah, Coca-Cola, Harley-Davidson? Their commercials? Their market share and value? Now, what comes to mind when you think about your manager and your peers at work? Why do some people get promoted more quickly and have an easier time finding a new opportunity than others who have a similar skill set? The answer - the value of their professional brand is easily recognized. Every one of us has a professional brand or a professional reputation. When you are searching for a new opportunity or applying for a promotion, your boss or potential boss makes decisions based on his or her evaluation of your professional brand. What is your brand and how do you increase its value in the market? A better brand = more job offers and higher compensation.

Everyone knows that the Harley-Davidson brand carries prestige and high value - but did you know that wasn't always the case? Spend a few minutes reading about the turnaround of Harley-Davidson and you'll see how improving your own professional brand can have both a significant short-term and long-term impact on your career. Call us today. We will guide you through increasing the value of your professional brand and will put your career on a path to reach new heights. Your career will thank you!

Copyright PARADIGM 2009

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